
Showing posts from April, 2020

Finding peace in a pandemic

Two posts in a day? Absolute madness! The man is clearly unstable and needs to be sectioned as a matter of urgency! Well, until they come and take me away to my luxury padded cell, I'll keep typing. Maybe I'll get it done before they get here. I was really lucky to listen to a talk from someone who I really respect this morning on finding peace in a pandemic, and it's a topic I've been thinking about a lot myself recently. It left me really thoughtful and inspired, and so I knew that I wanted to write something about it as soon as possible, in what is quickly becoming my very public online diary. There's not a lot to find peace and solace in at the moment. Turn on the TV and you'll be lucky to avoid COVID-19 getting a mention. Switch to the news and you'll be even luckier to watch a single story that isn't about the pandemic. Talk to those around you and you'll be the luckiest person on earth to avoid the virus sneaking its way in conver


I worry so much about titles for these posts, to the point where I don't want to write a post until I have the title nailed. As you can see, in this case, I've decided to take a new approach. Ready? No, wait, hold on, hear me out. So what I do is - and I know what you're thinking, but stick with me - I think about what I'm going to write about, and THEN... I put that word in the title! Absolute insanity. Doesn't make for snappy, imaginative titles, but it lets me get to the good bit, so you know, pros and cons really. Anyway, this post has been a long time coming. I first had the idea a week ago, but as ever, life got in the way. Luckily for me, life got in the way in such a way that it gave me more to write about! Yay! The ongoing journey to improving my mental health has involved me confronting some of the demons from my childhood which I'd managed to suppress thus far, to the point where I didn't even see them as demons anymore. They'd just been blo


A note before I get into this - I worry that I can come across as having a 'holier than thou' attitude or seeming hell-bent on self-promotion in my writing. I don't want that to be the case, I am by no means perfect and I'm an incredibly flawed individual, prone to making mistakes as much as anyone. I just want to make sure I put that out there now. I hope you enjoy reading 😊 COVID-19 has shown me the worst side of humanity. The side that's individualistic, buying up all the supplies in supermarkets so that the elderly and vulnerable can't get what they need to survive. The side that's prone to panic, making completely irrational decisions without stopping to listen and think for a second. However, you can't have darkness without the light, and I've also seen the best of people. As part of the response to the pandemic, some of my local community have come together to co-operate and be there for the people who really need help right now. I'm

Why would you want to be something you hate?

This blog post has been a long time coming - don't worry, I'd not forgotten about it altogether! I've had several ideas come into my mind since I wrote the last one, but a combination of falling somewhat behind with university work and then falling ill with COVID-19 meant that it's taken me longer to getting round to it than I had hoped for 😂 Nonetheless, here we are, we've made it, so sit back and enjoy as my beautiful words enter your eyes. The title for this post jumped into my head earlier today though whilst thinking about my mental health, and I decided that now that I was feeling a little bit better, this was the time to strike and get writing! The question itself - "Why would you want to be something you hate?" - was one that I actually asked to one of my best friends, who was opening up to me about his own mental health issues. Without going into detail on what we discussed, it was a question that just came out naturally, but one which le