
Showing posts from September, 2021

Burning out and rising up

 A week or so ago, I saw a tweet that really hit home for me from Nat Guest ( @unfortunatalie ). No YOU'RE crying because someone was more kind to you than you are to yourself. — Nat Guest (@unfortunatalie) August 16, 2021 I have a habit of expecting myself to be like Superman or something, capable of doing any task that comes into my mind at any moment. But that is not because I WANT to be like that, or that I think I CAN be like that. In fact, I’m fully aware of how ridiculous the concept is. There is simply not enough time in a day to be able to do everything that I would want. I even mentioned to my friend that one day would probably have to be about five weeks long to get everything I want to do done, and that really does sound like hell. When I do something, I want to make sure I do it right. I don’t want to half-ass a job or make something that people can see I didn’t really care about, I want it to be successful. If I spend time on something, whether that’s content o