
Showing posts from August, 2020

Week 1 (and-a-half)

As ever, it’s been a while since my last post. I think I’ve now accepted that I’m never going to be as fast at writing these as I’d like to be… although as I write that, I find myself thinking that I’m not sure this should be something I rush out. Surely it’s better to take my time, to have actually something worth saying? Hmm. That’s a rabbit hole for another day. Anyway, if you’ve made it here, welcome to another ramble from me, the ‘Feelings Freak.’ I seem to remember saying when I posted my first BLM blog post that there were more on the way – never fear, that is still very much my plan! Sadly, as is often the case, real life got in the way for a number of reasons. I graduated university at the end of June and somehow managed to get a job (nope, I don’t know how either). My plan was to write a weekly journal-type post to help process my thoughts on the week gone by, but on Friday morning, I received the heartbreaking news that my grandma had passed away. She’d suffered over the las