
Showing posts from March, 2020

We are now approaching Self-Isolation; all change.

WE MADE IT GUYS! And by "made it," I here mean, we're on the second post. Much like running, if I can do two in a row, the third is made just that little bit more likely, so you know, we're onto a winner here. Okay, I'm onto a winner, this isn't a team sport. Or is it? I don't know. Should I be having a conversation with myself here? No. Will I stop? Eh, probably not. Anyway, my food is in the oven, so I have approximately fifteen minutes to get this done. Or longer. But then I'm accepting that it will be burnt. *shrugs, having already accepted the prospect of a cremated cod fillet* It feels like weeks since my last post, which is a really surreal and confusing experience. COVID-19 is beginning to hit the UK hard, and in one week, we've gone from social distancing to pubs, clubs, restaurants and theatres being closed. I've never experienced anything like it in my - admittedly so far, quite short - life, and the uncertainty around how long t

Everything starts somewhere, even if it looks like a mess

At long last, and with the help from one of my closest friends, I have overcome some of my huge anxiety, and I'm writing a blog. I find it quite liberating that I might throw this out there and no-one will read it. No bars have been set, I can say what I like. Screw you anxiety, you don't get to win this time, get back in your hole. Anyway. WELCOME. If you made it here, I have to question what life choices led you to this point, but nonetheless, WELCOME. I don't really know what this blog will be yet. At time of writing, coronavirus has come to the UK and social distancing measures are in place, which is an interesting time to be alive. It's not the way I expected to start a new decade, that much is for sure. Nonetheless, life goes on, and a big thing which I'll be doing is  making sure that I look out for the people I know, especially the most vulnerable but even those who might seem "stronger." We're all only human at the end of the day, and we