
Showing posts from December, 2020

Songs of the year

Why hello there (General Kenobi). It's me, yet again. Can you believe this is my third post in a month?? Insanity. Anyway, I thought I'd do something a little different in this post and look back over some of the songs I loved listening to this year. They're not necessarily songs which were released this year, just some of my favourites. In no particular order, here they are, with links to Spotify and a little bit about why I loved them. If I get my act together, I'll try to come back and add YouTube links too. I hope you enjoy!  #1 - Poundshop Kardashians - Sam Fender Sam Fender released this song back in 2018, but sadly it's no less relevant two years later. It takes on a lot of the stupidity and ridiculousness that comes with the modern world we live on, calling Trump an "orange-faced baby" and suggesting bluntly that "we idolise idiots." But a couple of lines which really hit home are in the second verse when he sings: we laugh at them dishev

Streaming II: Mental health

If you missed the first half, go read it first! Here's the link: --- As promised, I'm back. The tale will not be left unfinished! So where were we? Oh yeah. So at the very end of October, I took a brave step and decided to try streaming. It wasn't anything special, I didn't have a facecam or an overlay, or anything really! I'd not even thought much about the game, I think I just played Europa Universalis IV, and took the lead from the streamers I'd watched, trying to interact with the people watching (who, admittedly, I already knew) and to make it a fun experience. That first stream was really weird for me. I'd never given much of a thought to what actually went on behind the scenes. All of a sudden, I was aware that I had to keep one eye out for new followers so I could welcome them, keep one eye on the stream output to make sure the quality on stream was good as in game, keep one eye on the chat so I could actually converse with p

Streaming I: "Wait, you stream now?"

Honey, I’m home! It’s been a while but I didn’t forget you, I just wanted to wait until I actually had something good to say. Turns out we could be waiting a long while for that, so in the meantime, here’s something else. Working from home was a weird thing to get used to this year, and I've never been known for my ability to write in silence. As I write this, I'm even listening to a podcast in the background! But British daytime TV quickly gets very boring indeed, so I rediscovered something I hadn't watched in years and logged into Twitch to watch something a little more interesting. It was actually really great to jump back into some streams that I used to watch a few years ago, and look at how they have (or haven't) changed! Twitch has very quickly replaced TV as my main entertainment source for the moment! I think there's something in knowing that I can watch virtually any game I want to, or jump into someone 'just chatting', or something I haven't