
Showing posts from May, 2020

A drop of water in the big blue sea

The phrase "we are part of something far greater than ourselves" is one which has been thrown around a fair few times - so many in fact that some brief research into the origin of the quote left me more confused than when I started. But we're not here to discuss my Google search history, thank god. As I think I've discussed a couple of times on here, I've been volunteering in my local community's food bank as a response to COVID-19. It's an experience that continues to be incredibly rewarding and eye-opening. But the inspiration for this post came from a discussion with one of my very best friends about not knowing what to do when someone thanks me for the help we're providing through the food bank. I have no doubt that if you're reading this, there's a good chance you're thinking, "well, you do what any sane human being would do and accept the thanks!" Which has occurred to me as well, don't you worry. But the anxiety I h